Where you come from doesn’t define you.

That’s the title of Lucee Ceseña’s program with Girls Nite Live, and she is living proof that it’s true.

Originally from Bell, CA, Lucee spent a considerable chunk of her childhood travelling and performing as a dancer with her church — but not just any church. 

“The pastor was in a motorcycle gang,” Lucee explains in an interview with GNL, “[He] goes to prison… gets saved… then gets out and starts this biker church.”

At age 10, you could find Lucee sitting on the back of  a Harley, or performing in front of crowds of thousands. Traveling and performing like this helped Lucee develop her stellar sense of confidence, incredible people skills and an open mind— but, transitioning into adulthood without a formal education or her usual wall of bikers was difficult.

“Growing up where I grew up, having parents in gangs… and [being] first generation American… you don’t get taught how to make it, you’re just taught how to survive,” Lucee says.  

When Lucee turned 30, she had 2 kids and wasn’t married, and she wasn’t sure who she was anymore. “The hardest part is to be going through something, feeling alone and having to fill it… [and] there’s not always going to be people  around to help,” Lucee states.  

In search of guidance, Lucee decided to do something she had never done before: she picked up a book. 

“I allow the books that I read, or the people writing them, to be my mentors.” Lucee continues, “and it’s not just one person who’s mentoring you. It’s an array of people from different walks of life.”

With her mentors by her side, Lucee founded Nobility Consulting Services, where she helps small businesses bring their ideas to life. Further, she re-found her confidence, and today, Lucee brings her curious mind to the stage as an Entertainment Host, where she gives celebs the mic to tell their stories.

“For the first time in a long time… I’m content with who I am, [and] I’m not searching for something. If I need something, I’ll go look for it in a book.” 

We at GNL are proud to present Lucee’s list of books that helped change her mind, and in turn, change her life.  

“No matter where you come from, no matter your upbringing, no matter what you’re surrounded with, there’s always a way out,” Lucee says. Click here to register for her program with GNL on Thursday, October 21st : Where You Come From Doesn’t Define You.

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