Photo via SKINNER, INC.

Fast Historical Facts

The 4th of July is a day of celebration throughout the United States. Parades, fireworks, barbecues, and picnics are the hallmark of the holiday celebrations. 


While the National Independence Day Parade has been canceled yet again for 2021, there is no need to worry. Small towns throughout the country plan to once again have parades to celebrate the holiday. We all know that the best 4th of July parades are those held in small towns and communities with local bands, regional honor guards, floats sponsored by local businesses and organizations all marching down the main street, and contests for everything from the Best 4th of July float to the Best 4th of July baby outfit. You get the idea — the 4th showcases America’s communities at their best.


Here at GNL, we know a thing or two about Barbeque. Several chefs and home cooks have shared their tips and tricks for barbequing. Here are a few that you might want to use for your 4th of July BBQ.


It wouldn’t be the 4th of July without that loud, pop, bang, and WOW of fireworks. “The first 4th of July fireworks were held on this date in 1777, during the very first organized celebration of Independence Day”. ( It has since become an annual tradition.

To see the VERY BEST Fireworks displays across the country, click here.

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